Percentage increase formula

The Percentage increase formula quantifies the percentage growth between a new and original value, offering a clear measure of relative expansion in numerical terms, expressed as
[ Final Value - Initial Value | Initial Value | ] × 100

Percentage gain

Cultivate a deeper understanding of percentage gain and its applications with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to calculate and interpret percentage increase in finance, economics, and business, enabling you to analyze trends, track performance, and make informed decisions. Explore the significance of this vital metric in measuring increases, setting goals, and evaluating progress across a range of fields, using our visual percentage increase calculator.

Examples of percentage increase

Uncover the precise methods to skillfully solve the examples of percentage increase and adeptly interpret percentage gain, empowering you with the knowledge to confidently navigate the dynamic world of growth and expansion.
Example 1: Home Price Appreciation
  • The price of your house increased from $250,000 to $300,000. What is the percentage increase in the home value?
Example 2: Website Traffic Growth
  • Your website had 1,000 visitors last month and 1,200 this month. What is the percent increase in website traffic?
Example 3: Book Sales Spike
  • You sold 500 books last year and 750 books this year. What is the percent increase in book sales?

Percentage increase worksheet

Calculate percentage increase
1. If the starting value is $5000 and the end value is $6500?
2. If the starting value is $200 and the end value is $250?
3. If the starting value is 500 and the end value is 600?
4. If the starting value is 10 miles and the end value is 15 miles?
5. If the starting value is 1000 and the end value is 1400?
Answer Key:
[1- 30%, 2- 25%, 3- 20%, 4- 50%, 5- 40%]

Percentage increase calculator FAQ

What is percentage increase?
Percentage increase is a metric that expresses the growth or ascent of a quantity as a percentage relative to its original or starting value.
How does percentage increase differ from percentage change?
Percentage increase specifically measures growth or upward movement, while percentage change is a broader term that encompasses both increase and decrease.
How do you calculate percentage increase?
To calculate percentage increase, you use this formula: [(New Value - Original Value) / |Original Value|] × 100.
What are some everyday examples of percentage increase?
Percentage increase is useful for calculating raises in salary, tracking changes in utility bills, assessing price hikes in consumer goods, and understanding population growth in a region.